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Safety Tips: How To Get In and Out of A Wheelchair

Posted by Build My Wheelchair on Jun 15th 2022

Man in glasses in a wheelchair getting into his silver sedan on the driver's side

In honor of U.S. National Safety Month, we wanted to talk about some important safety tips for wheelchair users. There are many dangers that can occur when getting in and out of your wheelchair, so it is important to be aware of them all and take the necessary precautions. In this blog post, we will discuss the various ways to get in and out of your wheelchair safely and effectively!

General Tips

  1. One of the most important things to remember when getting in and out of your wheelchair is to never rush. Rushing can lead to accidents and injuries, so it is always best to take your time.
  2. Another safety tip is to make sure that you have someone nearby to help you if needed. This person can be a family member, friend, or even a caretaker. Having someone nearby will help to ensure that you are safe and can get the assistance you need if something were to happen.
  3. Always check your surroundings before getting in or out of your wheelchair. This includes making sure that there are no obstacles in your way that could trip you up, and also ensuring that the area is clear of any potential hazards.

Getting In and Out of Your Wheelchair Safely

There are a few different ways to get in and out of your wheelchair, and each one has its own set of safety tips.

When Using A Transfer Board

One way to get in and out of your wheelchair is by using a transfer board. A transfer board is a long, flat piece of equipment that helps to bridge the gap between your wheelchair and another surface. This can be helpful if you need to get from your wheelchair to a bed, chair, or car seat.

When using a transfer board, it is important to make sure that the board is properly positioned before transferring your weight onto it. The board should be placed flush against the surface of your wheelchair and the other surface (such as a bed or chair) so that there is no gap in between. Once you are sure that the board is positioned correctly, you can then transfer your weight onto it and slide it into the desired position.

When Using A Lift

Another way to get in and out of your wheelchair is by using a lift. A lift is a device that consists of a sling, which is placed under the individual, and a lifting mechanism, which helps to raise and lower the individual.

When using a lift, it is important to make sure that the sling is properly positioned before transferring your weight into it. The sling should be placed under your buttocks and legs, with the lifting mechanism positioned at your back. Once you are sure that the sling is positioned correctly, you can then transfer your weight into it and the lifting mechanism will raise you up and out of your wheelchair.

When Transferring To A Stationary Chair

If you need to transfer from your wheelchair to a stationary chair, there are a few things you will need to do. First, position the wheelchair next to the chair so that the seat of the wheelchair is level with the seat of the chair. Next, pivot your body so that you are facing the chair, and then place your hands on the armrests of the chair. Once you are in position, simply transfer your weight onto the chair and push yourself up into a standing position. From there, you can then sit down in the chair.

When Transferring To A Commode or Shower Chair

If you need to transfer from your wheelchair to a commode or shower chair, the process is similar to that of transferring to a stationary chair. First, position the wheelchair next to the commode or shower chair so that the seat of the wheelchair is level with the seat of the chair. Next, pivot your body so that you are facing the chair, and then place your hands on the armrests of the chair. Once you are in position, simply transfer your weight onto the chair and push yourself up into a standing position. From there, you can then sit down on the commode or shower chair.

When Transferring To A Car

Getting into a car can be tricky, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier. First, position the car so that the door is parallel with the door of your wheelchair. Next, open the door and make sure that there is enough space for you to maneuver your wheelchair inside. Once you are sure that there is enough space, pivot your body so that you are facing the open door and then place your hands on the armrests of the wheelchair. Once you are in position, simply transfer your weight onto the car and push yourself up into a standing position. From there, you can then sit down in the car.

When Transferring To A Bed

If you need to transfer from your wheelchair to a bed, there are a few things you will need to do. First, position the wheelchair next to the bed so that the seat of the wheelchair is level with the top of the mattress. Next, pivot your body so that you are facing the bed, and then place your hands on the armrests of the wheelchair. Once you are in position, simply transfer your weight onto the bed and push yourself up into a lying position. From there, you can then scoot yourself over to the desired position on the bed.

Remember, getting in and out of your wheelchair doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these safety tips, you can make the process a whole lot easier and less stressful. And, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. There are always people around who are more than willing to help.

Now that you know how to get in and out of your wheelchair safely, put these tips into practice and see how easy it can be. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be getting in and out of your wheelchair like a pro in no time!

Have any questions about these tips? Reach out to learn about our available wheelchair accessories to make life easier.